Julie Marie, photographe - Mariage - Enfants - Québec - Chaudière-Appalache
photographing life, living in inspiration
Sunday, October 5, 2014
New Adventures
At the present time, I'm no longer accepting commission request as I'm working on personal projects and continuing my charity involvement. My work has drifted away from classic portrait and wedding photography into new creative and artistic projects. I'm on a continual quest for inspiration, unique faces and odd locations... if you'd like to collaborate on a project with me, don't hesitate to write me a few lines.
Julie M.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
We try.
While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt
The inspiration behind this image was that shapes speak for themselves and not everything needs to be in focus. :)
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
Silently, like thoughts that come and go,
the snowflakes fall, each one a gem.
~William Hamilton Gibson
Friday, December 7, 2012
We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.
~Thornton Wilder
I know there is a trend to put babies in all sorts of baskets and props, I tried that style and well, I just never felt the connection to produce those types of images. I think the beauty of an image lies is its simplicity. Perhaps it takes more effort to produce those types of images.. I don't know. But what I do know, is that it just comes naturally to me. I feel that great images should be timeless whether that is for weddings or portraits.
I had a great time photographing this little cutie. I love the way his eyes catch the light.
Enjoy your weekend everyone !
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
A few evenings ago, we were watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy and I got to thinking about this image I had tucked away and never published. When it comes to my personal work, I will often take images and keep them for later.. it is just part of my artistic process.
I came across this little baby caiman at a reptile exhibition hosted by Mr. Reptile. Now, if I remember the conversation I had with the owner, Mathieu Naud, it takes a special permit to own a caiman in Québec.
I love the way the light is hitting the eye. If I am not mistaken, this is a spectacled caiman, and the skin detail over the eye is just crazy. Such an impressive creature.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Déjeuner du Père Noël Benjo 2012
La tradition se poursuit avec le célèbre déjeuner du père Noël dans la merveilleuse salle de bal du Château Frontenac pour une quatrième édition qui s'est déroulé le 1er décembre 2012. Lors de l’événement Benjo, la grenouille ainsi que le père Noël se feront un plaisir de vous divertir pendant le repas. La totalité des profits est remise au Centre mère-enfant du CHU pour le département des soins palliatifs pédiatriques.
C'est sous la thématique féérique des châteaux que se déroulera cet événement tant attendu. Les enfants sont invités à accompagner leurs parents en arborant des costumes de princesses, de princes, de dragons, de chevaliers ou tout autre personnage de conte. Une journée bien remplie attend les enfants. Au programme : activités de bricolage, jeux et promenade en train à l'intérieur du Château Frontenac. - site officiel Benjo
Giving back has always been important to me, this year was no exception. It was a privilege to be part of such a great team of individuals giving their time, talent and of course their donations to such an important cause.
Absolutely yummy. !
La Maitrise des petits chanteurs de Quebec
One of the Santa's little helpers
Martin Dalaire, animateur de radio WKND 91.9
and Santa ! The real one :)
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Life's seasons
Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's seasons.
~Author Unknown
This fall, I had a wonderful family session. I've photographed them before and I love seeing how the little ones have grown. One of those sessions where everything just goes right.. the weather, the light, the fun.
This particular moment was one of my faves ! Just darling !!!
This little one reminded me how much I love black and white photography.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
“I tend to think of the act of photographing,
generally speaking, as an
My favorite thing is to go where I’ve never been.”
- Diane Arbus
- Diane Arbus
Earlier this summer, Marie Leblanc commissioned me to photograph her album cover and poster for her show at l'Anglicane. This Saturday October 20th, you'll be able to hear a variety of songs from Brel to Vigneault.
"Passionnée et charismatique, Marie LeBlanc dévoile et commente un répertoire composé de grands classiques de la chanson et d’œuvres contemporaines d'artistes tels que Vigneault, Leclerc, Léveillé, Salvador et Brel. Portée par le doigté de Guillaume St-Laurent au piano, la voix riche et douce de Marie LeBlanc vous plongera dans une atmosphère chaleureuse et cordiale."
De Brel à Vigneault
Duo Piano-voix avec Guillaume St-Laurent
While looking through the images while preparing this blog post, I can relive the photoshoot. Honestly that is one of the wonderful things that photographs are able to do. Not only freeze time, but spark the memories that go along with them. Marie, thank you for letting me capture YOU, your beautiful smile and laughter, your passion !
Enjoy your adventure Marie !
Monday, October 15, 2012
L´essentiel c´est d´être aimé
Le reste importe peu, la seule vérité
C´est compter pour quelqu´un quoiqu´il puisse arriver
C´est entrer dans son cœur et n´en sortir jamais
Le reste importe peu, la seule vérité
C´est compter pour quelqu´un quoiqu´il puisse arriver
C´est entrer dans son cœur et n´en sortir jamais
- Ginette Reno
A few months ago, I had the privilege to photograph an amazing couple with a beautiful love story. However since they both have a very public life I won't be showing you any closeup portraits. Their identity will remain a mystery :)
A few weekends ago, we also photographed their intimate wedding and I will be posting some images soon.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Special meanings
Where have I been ? Here.. there, but not everywhere.
I had a great diner with a client the other day and it sorta put my absence on the blog in perspective. He said that I was first and foremost an artist. That really touched me.
.... and....that got me thinking. As much as I love the final result, I also love the artistic process each new photography project takes me on. The end result, the final cuts (the ones you get to see here on the blog) are the ones that mean the most to me! And for that reason I find it hard to part with them and let everyone else see them. Each image has a special meaning, it may be the rich tones, the look in the eye, or just my overall feeling I had when I took the image.
That said, let me share with you a recent wedding we did at a historic site in Saint-Jacques de Leeds.
This last image was taken by Jeff, I was outside already to get the shots as they were exiting the church and Jeff was able to take this wonderful image of them from behind. I really can't stress enough the importance of two photographers.
A and F, we wish you the best with your new life in Europe. We loved being part of your day and now, every time I drive pass the site.. I'll think of you both.
Julie M.
I had a great diner with a client the other day and it sorta put my absence on the blog in perspective. He said that I was first and foremost an artist. That really touched me.
.... and....that got me thinking. As much as I love the final result, I also love the artistic process each new photography project takes me on. The end result, the final cuts (the ones you get to see here on the blog) are the ones that mean the most to me! And for that reason I find it hard to part with them and let everyone else see them. Each image has a special meaning, it may be the rich tones, the look in the eye, or just my overall feeling I had when I took the image.
That said, let me share with you a recent wedding we did at a historic site in Saint-Jacques de Leeds.
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This last image was taken by Jeff, I was outside already to get the shots as they were exiting the church and Jeff was able to take this wonderful image of them from behind. I really can't stress enough the importance of two photographers.
A and F, we wish you the best with your new life in Europe. We loved being part of your day and now, every time I drive pass the site.. I'll think of you both.
Julie M.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Les Harmoniques
I have been blogging mostly personal photography lately, but I thought I would share with you a concert I photographed recently. Les Harmoniques de Sainte-Croix is a vocal group, directed by Pierrette Vigneault.
When they contacted me to photograph their concert, I was thrilled. I browsed through their website and did some research, but I was truly blown away by all the talent. From dance, to music, to vocals... did I say I was blown away ? Let me say it again, I was blown away.
The show was brilliantly thought out, with modern pieces as well as some classics... Cats, Lady Gaga, Glee, La mélodie du bonheur... all the while combining choreographed dance moves. Les Harmoniques practice on a regular basis and are always looking for new talent to join their group. Please visit their website for more information : Les Harmoniques
Now, some of my favorite shots from the concert...
The lighting was amazing during the show. Hats of to Teksho Inc. who brought the big stage feeling to this intimate venue.
The fourth image, was a solo that was so powerful : Hallelujah solo by Marie-Josée Delisle. It is one of my all time favorite songs and I love the clenched fist in this particular image.The fifth image goes to show you that throughout the whole evening, they all stayed in character and I thought that was brilliant. And well this last two images are classic Julie Marie details shots :)
Earlier this week, we had a viewing of the images from the concert and I loved to see the reaction of the group while they viewed them. As a photographer and artist, you can not put a price on a reaction, a smile, a laugh while showing your work. I'm looking forward to next year already !!
Oh, and tickets sell out pretty fast but I will remind you next year when they go on sale. :)
When they contacted me to photograph their concert, I was thrilled. I browsed through their website and did some research, but I was truly blown away by all the talent. From dance, to music, to vocals... did I say I was blown away ? Let me say it again, I was blown away.
The show was brilliantly thought out, with modern pieces as well as some classics... Cats, Lady Gaga, Glee, La mélodie du bonheur... all the while combining choreographed dance moves. Les Harmoniques practice on a regular basis and are always looking for new talent to join their group. Please visit their website for more information : Les Harmoniques
Now, some of my favorite shots from the concert...
The lighting was amazing during the show. Hats of to Teksho Inc. who brought the big stage feeling to this intimate venue.
The fourth image, was a solo that was so powerful : Hallelujah solo by Marie-Josée Delisle. It is one of my all time favorite songs and I love the clenched fist in this particular image.The fifth image goes to show you that throughout the whole evening, they all stayed in character and I thought that was brilliant. And well this last two images are classic Julie Marie details shots :)
Earlier this week, we had a viewing of the images from the concert and I loved to see the reaction of the group while they viewed them. As a photographer and artist, you can not put a price on a reaction, a smile, a laugh while showing your work. I'm looking forward to next year already !!
Oh, and tickets sell out pretty fast but I will remind you next year when they go on sale. :)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
It's not a bug - it's an undocumented feature.
~Author Unknown
A little wink to all my tech savvy friends out there.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
What we see depends mainly on what we look for.
~John Lubbock
In a weird way it reminded me of the yodeling mountain climber game on the price is right. If you are wondering what it is.. it is half frozen drops of water taken through a window.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Love is not a matter of what happens in life.
It's a matter of what's happening in your heart.
~Ken Keyes
This image is for my oldest daughter who, when I showed it to her.. said : "Mom, look... it is a heart". Indeed it is. As with most of my images, unless I am doing something specific, what you see is what you get.. I don't go out of my way to Photoshop something into something else. I may tweak the colors, dodge and burn but that is about it. I use what is in front of me, the available light and the moment.
Enjoy your Tuesday :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
As they really are.
No great artist ever sees things as they really are.
If he did, he would cease to be an artist.
~Oscar Wilde
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Every rose
Every Rose has it's thorn
Just like every night has it's dawn
Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
Every rose has it's thorn
Just like every night has it's dawn
Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
Every rose has it's thorn
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Papillons en Fête - Hamel Espace vert 2012
It has been a few years since I've taken the time to go to Papillons en Fête !! Ophélie and I were quite lucky, for about 45 mins before lunch, we were the only ones in the garden. As we sat, literally 50-100 blue butterflies would stream by us non stop !!
Here are some other images I took.... this first one is my absolute fave. This guy really knows how to rock a Mo-hawk.
And lastly a detail shot from the garden setup.
fish trap exists because of the fish. Once you've gotten the fish you
can forget the trap. The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit.
Once you've gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words exist
because of meaning. Once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the
words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk
with him?
~Chuang Tzu
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