I’m a mom with three wonderful, crazy, bursting with energy kids. Hummm, I don’t like soggy cereal, sentimental movies make me cry and I don’t buy nutella anymore because I’m addicted. That’s right, a spoon and a nutella jar are my worst enemies. I love to laugh and I don’t take myself too seriously. Oh, I studied bio chemistry at University and collect stamps. See, I told you I don’t take myself too seriously.

Art has always been a part of my life, drawing, doodling chalk pastels, and the medium didn’t matter as long as I could create. Then photography found me and it changed everything. Being behind the lens gave me not only the power to freeze time for an instant, but to share my vision with others, giving them the opportunity to hold time in their hands.

It is that moment in between moments, different from the one before and not the same as the one to come… the moment that will never be again. I’m captivated by instants, moments that are gone in the twinkling of an eye.

Julie M.
